in Momma's bed with my sock friend
Heyo bloggers, yay it's finally keyboard time for me again *wiggles butt while doing happy dance* I heart my momma so much because she lets me snuggle in bed with her. Yups, lots of snuggle time for me and her. I loves it lots. I remember the first two nights, momma only let me snuggle on top of her while she was reading and then I had to go in the crate. BOoOoOoO. Then I keep whining instead of sleeping so momma put my bankie on the bed and I snuggle up to her and didn't move for hours. Had to show her it was better to have me in bed. Momma said she slept so much better with a real doggie snuggling up to her. 

Now I get to sleep there all the time. I even gets to snuggle under the covers and sometimes use one of Momma's pillows. She even lets me bring hippo to bed or that sock I *stole* from the clothes pile. So nice of her. I even get to take up most of the bed, guess my cute mug is irresistible. Hmmm, must explode that super power further. 

Momma sleeps weird hours. She goes to bed super late and I have to sleep on the sofa or chair in the office until she is ready to go, but then she sleeps in a little during the day so I gets enough rest and snuggle time in. Sometimes...okay most of the time, Momma is like me. We no wanna wake up and just want to sleep more. When that happens I takes momma's arm hostage and instead of getting up she goes back to sleep. Hehe. But then I want up cause there's stuff to see out the window. I might be missing something very important by sitting at the computer so toddles.
Hi, Chrissy here, on Friday's I'm starting a new series where I let Finley take over the blog and say what she wants. Enjoy!

awko  nbb    ujerdmkom my jkdkjjhsewhjhkj....hmmm momma sure makes this typing thing look easy so i getting her help. No worries I got my paws on her hands to make sure she writes properly. Oooh people outside, no no must concentrate on this blog thing, must...resist...urge...to...bark. So hard for a little dog like me. 
this is me at the dog park
looooove going outside and sometimes momma takes me to the doggie park but I like playing out in the yard too. She and daddy even made me a pen. Momma said it's so I don't pee and poop all over the yard, that's no fun. I like to sit in the corner and watch for neighbours. I must never, ever pass up a chance to bark at them.

Recently, Momma started letting me go out there alone. I likes that lots cause I'm a big girl. I can still Momma peeking out from behind the curtain to make sure I'm alright. She obsesses about it. Silly Momma, there's fence everywhere so I ain't going anywhere. Today I had to go outside so I wouldn't make a mess inside the house and it was soooo cold that Momma didn't even come out and pick up my mess.I thinks Momma needs a nice fur coat like me.